October 14, 2022

Upload your screenshots to Microsoft OneDrive

Save your screenshots to your Microsoft OneDrive account

You can now get your screenshots uploaded directly to your cloud storage through Apps, including your own Microsoft OneDrive account.

To start getting your captures uploaded to your OneDrive account, follow these steps:

  1. Authorize Blitapp for OneDrive
  2. Configure your App
  3. Use the App

Authorize Blitapp for OneDrive

We have created an App for OneDrive that lets us upload screenshots into your account. The first step is to authorize this App to access your account.

The left menu has a new entry for Apps. There, you will see all the Apps that you create. Click on Add an App.

Choose Microsoft Dropbox as the type.

Under OneDrive Authorization, you will see a link to Authorize the Blitapp OneDrive App. Click on it.

Authorize the OneDrive App

You will be redirected to OneDrive to authorize our App, then back to the App creation page.

Once the Blitapp App has been authorized, you can create multiple OneDrive Apps with different folders and file names.

Configure your App

Now that the Blitapp App has been authorized, you can finish configuring your App on Blitapp.com.

Choose a custom name that will be used to reference the App when creating or editing captures. You can enter the custom folder and file name used for each image. We support several variables to create dynamic paths. See our previous post for more details.

Before you save the App, click on Verify to ensure it is configured correctly. Blitapp will attempt to upload the file blit.png to the folder you specified. If an error occurs, we will display the error message we received from OneDrive.

Configure the OneDriveApp

Use your App

Your App will now show in the list of Apps. When you edit an existing capture or schedule a new capture, there is a new field for Apps. Click in the box to see the list of Apps available, or start typing its name to filter the list.

Use multiple apps

That’s it! Now your captures will be uploaded to your OneDrive account automatically. If there is any issue during the upload, we will send you an e-mail.

If you want to use different folders of files, you can create multiple apps for your OneDrive account.
