October 11, 2019

Capture your entire website or blog

After adding support for the taking of captures of a fixed list of URLs all at once, we added support for dynamic lists hosted on any website:

  • Site map to take screenshots of your entire website.
  • RSS feed to take screenshots of your entire blog.
  • List of URLs that you can update on your side anytime.

Create screenshots of your entire website

We can always support additional types of feeds; don’t hesitate to contact us.

To check on whether the external feed is accessible by Blit and supported, click on the Test button. Blit will fetch the external source, extract all the URLs, and display them.

Test your feed to ensure that it is supported

These feeds can contain hundreds, or even thousands, of URLs. To ensure that you don’t run out of credits, you can limit the number of captures we run.

When the captures are done, you will get a single e-mail containing all the images. You will also find an entry for each capture in your history.

Create screenshots of your entire blog

We hope that you found this helpful. We are looking at adding more features in the coming weeks.
