Advanced settings for your capture: browser, image size, interactions wit the page, and more.
Advanced Web Page Options Blitapp offers deep levels of customization of your capture: interactions with your page, browser settings, country of origin, screenshot size, and more.
Automation steps Blitapp can fill out form, click on elements, login to a page and many other types of interactions with web pages.
Browser Height Blitapp uses real browsers to capture pages. Configure the browser size, vendor, mobile or desktop
Browser Scroll To Capture a non-visible part of a web page by scrolling to it.
Browser type Blitapp offers a variety of web browsers for captures: Chrome, Firefox, Brave (ad-blocker), and iPhone.
Browser Wait Specify how the browser should wait after the page load event to take a screenshot
Browser Width Blitapp uses real browsers to capture pages. Configure the browser size, vendor, mobile or desktop, ...
Click on Elements Click on a button, accept a cookie banner, etc. Blitapp lets you interact with a web page before taking a screenshot.
Country Choose the country of origin of the browsers that capture pages.
Dark mode Enable dark mode on Chrome-based browsers to capture wb pages.
Hide Elements Hide an ad, a cookie banner, or any overlay before taking a screenshot.
Hide Popups Blitapp provides a setting to hide all overlays, popups, and cookie consent banners that may obfuscate the page content.
Hover an Element Blitapp allows for rich interactions with a web page, including clicking on elements, hiding to hovering part of the page.
Image Crop Dimensions You can crop your screenshot, and specify the width, height, and top/left positions.
Image Quality Get high quality PNG captures or smaller JPEG files.
Image Zoom Change the size of the image with a zoom.
Initial Automation steps Blitapp can login to a website and then take screenshots of multiple pages. Capture internal dashboard and other applications that require sign up.
JavaScript Snippet Modify a website before taking a screenshot by injecting a custom Javascript.
Maximum Wait Tune how long the browser should wait for the page to load.
Screenshot size Capture the full web page or only the visible portion.
Strict SSL Blitapp lets you ignore or show the SSL certificates from domains you capture.